Thousands of veterans are left battling pain, disability, trauma and isolation after leaving the Armed Forces.

By leaving a gift in your Will you can provide medical care, counselling and life-changing support to veterans and their families for years to come. You can help them find the peace they’ve fought for.

You can show them they’re not alone.


No matter when or where they served, we believe every veteran deserves one-to-one care that meets their needs and circumstances. We also believe that care should be available for as long as it takes. For many of the veterans we’re working with, that means the rest of their life.

Gifts in Wills provide practical help and hope to veterans and families across the UK. In fact, out of the 4,000 veterans we worked with last year, 2,400 were helped thanks to gifts left by past supporters.

Here are a few examples of the essential services legacies are supporting right now, and which you could help us to offer in the future:

  • Treatment from experienced nurses and therapists.
  • Counselling and mental health support.
  • Specialist equipment and home adaptations to help veterans live more independently.
  • Support with housing, finances, education and family matters.
  • Community-based exercise, sport and social activities for veterans and families.
  • Educational courses and support to help veterans and families manage their recovery and adapt to civilian life.

Our Armed Forces sacrifice so much for us. After taking care of your loved ones, could you leave a little something to those who give their all?

Legacies come in all shapes and sizes, but every single gift has the power to change lives.


David Hickman was only 34 when injury ripped his life apart.

For 13 years he’s battled increasing physical pain and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, convinced nobody wanted to listen or help. But thanks to your kindness, his determination and some expert help from our team; he can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Find out how gifts in Wills are helping David face the future.

“Help for Heroes is a shining light for me and my family. They’ve shown me there’s a way forward. That I have a voice. And I’m not on my own. After years of feeling dismissed, it’s a huge relief to know someone’s on my side.

“If you’re thinking about leaving a gift in your Will, I can truly say you will be leaving an incredible legacy. That sort of kindness will go way beyond giving a veteran their life back. It will save a life.”


We understand there’s a lot to think about when writing your Will, and it can be hard to know where to start.

Our free Guide to Gifts in Wills is full of essential information and inspiring stories to help you consider the legacy you want to leave to the World. You can download a copy from this page, or we’d be delighted to send you a printed copy through the post.

Our booklet focuses on the law in England and Wales, so we’ve also produced a factsheet for our kind friends in Scotland. We hope this information, used alongside our standard guide, will help you make a Will to protect your loved ones and pay tribute to Scotland’s proud military tradition.

Scottish Factsheet

If you have any questions or concerns at all, whether it’s about Will-writing or our work, please do get in touch. Simply call Maxine on 01725 514965 or email We’re here to listen and always happy to help.


If you choose to remember Help for Heroes in your Will, we want you to feel confident you’re doing the right thing. So here’s our promise to you:

  • We understand family and friends come first and will never put pressure on you to leave a gift or tell us your plans.
  • We respect your privacy and will never ask you to share more than you want to. Anything you tell us will be treated in confidence.
  • We appreciate your priorities or circumstances might change in the future, and you may choose to take us out of your Will.
  • We promise to use your gift wisely and in the best interests of wounded veterans and their families.
  • We will treat your Executors with empathy and respect.
  • We are always here to help. Call 01725 514965 or email any time you need us.



Our handy Will planner can help you get your thoughts in line before you meet your solicitor.

Fill in the short form below and we’ll email you a downloadable and printable planner within three working days. We’ll also send you a copy of our exclusive legacy newsletter, and quarterly emails full of information and inspiration about leaving a gift in your Will.

Free Will Planner

We promise to keep your details safe in accordance with our Privacy Policy (link at bottom of the page). In a nutshell, your details will ONLY be used by Help for Heroes and Help for Heroes Trading Limited, and we’ll NEVER share them for another organisation’s marketing purposes. If you've previously told us how you want us to contact you, forget all the above, we'll carry on as we were.


With our free Will-writing service, you can write a simple Will free of charge.

Whether you prefer a face-to-face meeting with a participating local solicitor or choose to get organised from the comfort of your own home, both our online and face-to-face services include a free consultation with a specialist legal adviser. Visit our Get help with writing your Will page to find out more. 

Download our Will Writing Guide