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The Sun newspaper has officially backed our campaign to urge leaders of the main political parties to sign the Veterans Pledge; and commit to ending the ongoing injustices veterans and their families face.

The Veterans Pledge, which officially launches today, is the heart of our manifesto; and we need the next Prime Minister and all party leaders to commit to it - to improve the standard of living, financial independence and wellbeing of our veterans.

The Sun writes: "Today we urge both the Tories and Labour — whichever should hold power after July 4 — to commit to the Help For Heroes’ Veterans Pledge.

"To keep a Cabinet-level minister protecting Veterans’ Affairs. To launch a review into the chaos over medical discharges. To ensure all veterans get every penny of the support they deserve."

James Needham, Help for Heroes CEO said: "The next Government must do more to support the men and women who have served our country. That is why we are urging party leaders to sign the Veterans Pledge and commit to ending the injustices veterans and their families face every day."

Since 2007, more than 31,000 veterans and their families have sought support from Help for Heroes, with more people coming forward than ever before. Many veterans who do so tell us they feel let down by the system."

James Needham

CEO, Help for Heroes

Veteran and charity ambassador, Carl Shadrake, was blown up twice and lost his brother in Afghanistan:

“At one time I didn’t feel I could ask for help, even though I knew I needed it. There are many, many soldiers and veterans out there who still need help; they just haven’t asked for it yet.”

Veteran Carl and his daughters play in a field
Veteran Carl Shadrake and his two girls - Help for Heroes

Help us ensure politicians keep veterans and families like Carl’s at the forefront of their minds.